5 Animals Helping in Saving the Environment

Male ants are pretty much just flying sperm (and other amazing ant facts)

It is lost on some of us the role animals play within the society. They play crucial roles—these roles are often unique to individual animals.

All animals, insects included play various crucial roles in our environment. Sometimes, the actions of animals help us to keep tabs on nature and in turn, cause the environment to run smoothly.

Readers on the Collected.Reviews also point out how this aids in reducing negative impacts globally and enables us to address globally related issues such as; global warming, pollution, etc. While their numerous usefulness abound. This article focuses majorly on outlining 5 out of all these animals that are helpful to the earth’s environment and how their presence serves our environment in the long run.

1.      Earthworm: 

The burrowing activities of earthworms (a form of digging deep tunnels and holes into the earth for habitation) and their feeding habits turn out to become a beneficial factor to our environment. This activity helps to incorporate organic nutrients into the soil as well as recycles these nutrients to enable healthier plant growth. This activity of the earthworm plays a huge role in assisting our plants to receive nutrients which aids their growth process.

2.      Frog: 

While frogs prey on pest insects for food, this activity is usually crucial for controlling the insect population in our environment.

3.      Termites: 

Termites might be destructive when they come into homes. Yet, they are the exact opposite when it comes to nature. This eventual destruction becomes of more value to our environment. Termites consume decayed plant materials which when recycled, helps in dispersing energy into the ecosystem.

4.      Ants: 

Ants play a major role in keeping our environments in balance and they have been credited with contributing greatly to cleaning up rainforests. When ants dig their tunnels inside the soil, they help generate oxygen for the soil and this activity enables the recycling of nutrients. They assist in the distribution of plant nutrients and they provide rich healthy soil for plant growth.

5.      Birds: 

Birds help in balancing nature. From dispersing seeds with their beak to pollination, birds also play an important role in insect pest control. They also help to increase the soil air when they burrow with their claws. Birds play a necessary role in soil decomposition and earth’s survival.

Final Notes

Animals play an innate role in our environment. Through these lists, it becomes obvious these intricate functions help in impeding environmental challenges for a practical shift towards sustainable energy.

This introduces the cyclical idea of how humans are reliant on some of these animal activities for our livelihood and sustenance within the ecosystem. Animals do not exist barely for the sake of existing, their existence is connected to ours as their individual contributing activities help facilitate the process for us to attain satisfaction within our environment.

When this equalizing act exists between the roles animals play and how we connect to our environment, this causes the ecosystem and environment to work perfectly so that both animals and humans can coexist in harmony.